Service Users Charter


This document tells you about how we work and what you can expect from Harbour. This information will be available to you and also displayed on our website.

• EMPOWERING AND ENABLING - the way we work - how we do what we do

• Your RIGHTS - what you can expect from us and the service

• Your RESPONSIBILITIES - what you need to do to help things run smoothly

There are lots of policies and procedures setting out these things in more detail - you can ask to see them - this is a guide to the key thing they cover.

EMPOWERING AND ENABLING - the way we work what this means in practice. 

We won't tell you what to do with your life, through talking and looking at the possibilities we'll help you find out what the choices are and support you to make your own decisions about:

  • Short term practical things that need to be done
  • The future - your hopes - and what you want to do in the long term. 
  • Problems that might feel difficult and complicated

We'll make sure that together we find a way through and that we have all the information so that you feel OK and in control of what happens next

If we don't have the information you need – together, we'll find someone who does

We will work together to make things happen - we won't do things to you or for you. We won't always agree about everything but even when this happens we will treat you with respect and listen to what you have to say

Your RIGHTS - what you can expect from us and the service

You will be given information about the service so you understand what to expect

We will make sure that you feel involved and make time to hear your views about the service and how we can improve it

We will endeavour to keep all our appointments with you, but if we have to cancel one we will try to give as much notice as possible.

We will do our best to make sure that you feel safe and we will put safety plans into place with your agreement to help with this

Your RESPONSIBILITIES - what you need to do to help things run smoothly

You need to respect our staff. We cannot tolerate any verbal or physical aggression towards any Harbour staff.

If you’ve arranged to meet your worker and cannot attend, please try to let us know so we know you are safe and can use that time to support other clients.

We will provide you with support and will plan things with you, If you decide you do not require support at any point, then you are welcome to come back in the future to request support again.

We want you to feel able to ask questions if you are not sure about anything and to tell us if you think you have not been treated fairly or in the way you expected.